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Ricky Lee Gordon | Sri Lanka

During lockdown, RVCA ANP Artist and South African native Ricky Lee Gordon was offered the opportunity to be sent to a locale of his choosing on the island of Sri Lanka. Below is a brief entry of the artist’s take on his South Asian experience thus far.


“I packed up my studio and my dogs and headed east to stay at the Kudakalliya Eco Lodge along the beach, on the outskirts of Arugam Bay surrounded by waves and national parks.

The residency is short only just a week but I will stay on another 3 months.

The works I am exploring here document the swell shift and the flux and change of the Ocean as I spend my days watching the sea, surfing and painting.

The winds howled for days roughening the seas. Finally a storm rolled in last night and passed, taking with it the winds. New currents brought in a swell from across the ocean moving allot of water around so today at sunrise the sea was glassy and calm. Life has folded over.

This new swell is possibly big enough to shift the sand banks needed to activate the various point break waves.

The start of a new season, new life.

The ocean is our teacher of a romantic realism.”

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